About Us

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Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine having the aim of both promotive and curative health. Ayurveda has always been the answer for many of the degenerative, Neurological, Orthopedic and Autoimmune spectrum of the disorders since centuries. Panchakarma is one of the prime modalities of treatment of Ayurveda which is well known to promote the health as well as cure the disease from the root itself.

The center is established keeping in mind the Sanskrit word PUNARNAVA, means To Rejuvenate. Hence To make you young, healthy, energetic and to give you new strength is the objective of our center. ‘Sarve santu Niramaya’; Let all be free from diseases is the guiding principle of Veda. Therefore the center is dedicated to promote good health and heal the sick based on principles of Ayurveda.

Adopting a holistic treatment philosophy. We follow integrated approach by offering the best Ayurvedic treatment combined with Yoga, Naturopathy and Diet. The unique integrated approach helps us to treat several problems which do not respond adequately to only one system of medicine. Modern diagnostic methods are utilised side-by-side with the Ayurvedic methods, for diagnosis of diseases and for tracking of the effectiveness of the treatment through measurement of objective parameters when necessary and possible.

The center also has a well knit paramedical team who are thoroughly trained to offer effective treatment with a high degree of care and compassion towards the ailing.

A whole range of preventive healthcare programs are offered on out-patient and in-patient basis.



Doctors at our center are graduated from Ayurveda College, Kottakkal, Kerala which is an esteemed institution in the field of Ayurveda. And they have 8years of clinical experience. Our doctors offer you the best Ayurveda treatment combined with Yoga and Diet. This unique integrated approach helps us to treat several diseases which do not respond adequately to only one system of medicine.

Dr. Saraswathy. PL

B.A.M.S. (Kottakkal), P.G.D.Y.Ed (Yoga)

Chief Consultant and Yoga Therapist.
Specialized in Gynecology, Pediatrics, Beauty Care and Yoga.

Dr. Adarsh. SG

MD (Kottakkal)

Ayurveda Consultant
Specialized in Dermatology, Rheumatology and Kerala Panchakarma.

Dr. Vasant Patil

MD (Jamnagar)

Visiting Panchakarma Consultant
Specialised in Neurology and Cardiology