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Panchakarma is basically a bio-cleansing regimen, which facilitates the body system for better bio-availability of the pharmacological therapies, besides achieving homeostasis of Doshas (Body humors). It also increases the acceptability of the body to various dietary regimens and use of rejuvenation therapy for promoting health. These therapies help in the elimination of disease causing factors and maintain the equilibrium of body tissues and humours.

These five therapies are:

  1. Vamana : Emesis
  2. Virechana: Purgation
  3. Basti: Enema
  4. Nasya: Nasal Medication
  5. Rakta Mokshana: Blood Letting

Advantages of Panchakarma:

  • Detoxification
  • Functional optimization of enzymatic complex
  • Restoration of Health
  • Immune modulation
  • Rejuvenation

Other treatment procedures done at our center are:

  • Sarvanga Abhyanga
  • Bashpa Sweda
  • Kaya Seka
  • Shali Pinda Sweda
  • Patra Pinda Sweda
  • Shirodhara
  • Kati Basti
  • Greeva Basti
  • Janu Basti
  • Netra Tarpana
  • Jaloukavacharana
  • Udwartana

In detail: (click to expand)

Abhyanga (Therapeutic Massage) :


In this procedure warm medicated oil is applied gently all over the body. Many of the prevalent modern massage techniques are modified forms of Abhyanga. It can be performed as preventive therapy or therapeutic procedure or even as Rejuvenative therapy also. It removes fatigue, reduces mental stress, enhances sleep, relaxes muscles and rejuvenates skin. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.



It is external application of medicated herbal powders on the body with affordable pressure massage generally in retrograde direction. It tones skin and muscle, Udwartana in combination with internal medicines helps in reducing weight, it has cosmetic value as it imparts complexion to the skin. Revitalizes the sense of touch and has stress relieving property. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.

Janu Basti:

Janu Basti

This is a procedure of applying heat to the knee joint region by retaining warm medicated oil with in a specific formed frame on this area for a prescribed period of time. It reduces pain, swelling and degeneration. It is highly effective in Osteoarthritis of Knee. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.


Kati Basti

In this warm oil is retained at Lumbo-Sacral region within a specific formed frame on this area for a prescribed time. The patient lies in prone position and the lumbar region is encircled with thick black gram paste for retention of the oil.  It’s very effective in acute and chronic back ache, Lumbar Disc prolapse, Lumbar Spondylosis and Sciatica. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.

Greeva Basti:

Griva Basti

This procedure is same as Kati Basti but here the treatment is done on cervical region. It is effective in reducing pain, stiffness and Cervical Spondylosis. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.

Shirodhara :


In this procedure various liquids like medicated oil / medicated Buttermilk is continuously poured over forehead and then allowing to flow over the scalp from a specific height and for a specific period of time. It is a user friendly procedure with both preventive and curative action. This therapy reduces stress, improves concentration, highly effective for loss of sleep, IBS, Psoriasis, Diabetic Neuritis, Insanity and Migraine Headache. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.

Shiro Abhyanga:


This is therapeutic massage performed on head. It helps in reducing stress, improves concentration and induces sound sleep. Duration of the Procedure: 15-20 mins.

Patra Pinda Sweda:

Patra Pinda Sweda

Patra means leaves, Pinda means bundle and Sweda means sudation. It is sudation procedure performed by specially prepared bundle of medicinal leaves tied in a cloth. This is a procedure where heat, pressure and oil are applied simultaneously with herbal leaves.  It’s effective in reducing back ache, joint pain, stiffness and swelling, Reduces muscular pain, sprain and cramps. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.

Shali Pinda Sweda:

Shaali Pinda Sweda

This is a special method of administration of a type of rice cooked in milk and herbal decoction, and is tied as boluses in muslin cloth. This procedure gives nutrition. It is beneficial in Paralysis, Emaciation, Debility, Body ache, Osteoarthritis and is Anti-ageing and Rejuvenative. Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.

Kaya Seka/ Pizhichil:

Kaaya seka

In this procedure lukewarm medicated oil is poured from a specific height to all over the body for a stipulated period in a specific manner. It produces Oleation and Sudation simultaneously. It’s both Rejuvenative and Curative. This procedure is beneficial in Neuro-muscular disorders, Degenerative diseases, peripheral neuropathy and Rheumatological conditions.  Duration of the Procedure: 30-45 min.

Jaloukavacharana (Leech Therapy):

Leech Therapy

It’s applying Medicinal Leech for drawing blood from an infected/inflamed site. This procedure is patient friendly, safe, painless and cost effective therapy.  It’s beneficial in arthritis with effusion and pain, Gangrene, Vascular diseases, Herpes and wounds. Duration of the Procedure: 15 – 30min.

Special Treatment Programs:

Rejuvenation Program | Weight Management Program |  Week-end Relaxation Program | Stress Relief Program | Detoxification Program | Skin and Beauty Care Program